Blender Mac Manual

It is an add-on for Blender. Sverchok IS a parametric tool that relies on easy-to-use visual node-based design to create low-level data structures. Sverchok IS NOT an all-in-one tool. It does not have lighting and the rest of Blender's toolbox. Our approach is MATH + MESH + SPLINES + NURBS.

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  2. Blender Mac Manual Downloads
Active1 year ago

Blender Help says I can download the Blender 2.78 Manual for offline use - how - where?

Mike ThomasMike Thomas

2 Answers


There is a link for the online documents here: . I'm not sure why it doesn't work, but there is a link to download a zip file, but the actually link tag isn't working in the wiki. For now, you can download directly, I guess:


The make.bat file in the blender documentation subversion repository includes a 'make epub' option that will use their tooling to build a local epub file locally. It's reasonably easy to do this same thing on Mac or Linux box if that's your platform.

A step-by-step of what I did was:

  • svn checkout
  • cd blender_docs
  • virtualenv .venv_blender
  • source .venv_blender/bin/activate
  • pip install -r requirements.txt

and I added this to the local Makefile:

Then make epub generates an epub file into build/epub directory.


Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged documentation or ask your own question.


The official version on the website is always supported first and foremost but the developments also cover buildbot.

Hard Ops Installation

  1. Download Hard Ops

  2. Unzip folder to global path (recommended)

  3. instead of blender's own install location use the one on your PC created by Blender.
  4. ex: C:/Users/USER/AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/2.78/scripts/addons/
  5. install from file has issues occasionally with releases it is not recommended

  6. Locate the Addon 'Hard Ops' and enable it.

  1. Set Up Addon preferences and click save user settings (ensures enabled next open)

Always save user prefs using the button below or they wont be enabled next open.

Detailed Install Instructions

When using Blender a folder is created deeply in your PC for add-ons. Putting it
here instead of the branch you are using ensures the next updates also have it

C:/Users/ USERNAME /AppData/Roaming/Blender Foundation/Blender/ 2.XX /scripts/addons

Locate Blender in your applications folder

RMB on the and select show package contents

I assume linux users know their PC.

~/.config/blender/ 2.XX /scripts/addons

Q: I can't install Hard Ops 9!

Make sure you copied the contents of the zip into the directory mentioned above. Also try reopening blender. Install from file does not work most of the time so manual installation is recommended.

Q: Hard Ops won't enable!

Try reopening Blender! Also check installation. Hard Ops latest version only works with Blender 2.78 and above. The api changes before will cause issues with old blender.

Blender Mac Manual Free

Q: The prefs panel wont show the add on I have it installed help! Omygerd!

The way the addons are detected is the naming.

Running the following line in the script editor of blender will show all enabled add ons and their name in the system.


If the naming is not exact this will cause issues. Just rename the .py to resolve the issue.

The naming is as follows.

Blender mac manual download

Blender Mac Manual Downloads

Also the above texts are hyperlinks to their locations.