Manual Ipv6 Mac

I am trying to set up a manual IPv6 6to4 tunnel using the IPv6 tunnel broker Hurricane Electric. I have double checked the settings in the Airport Utility and everything is correct, yet when I apply the settings the tunnel fails to be created. Also, the macs have all been set to retrieve the IPv6 addresses automatically and they fail to retrieve the addresses from the Airport. Is there a known issue with the manual ipv6 tunnels in the airport extremes? When I set the IPv6 tunnel to automatic it works fine, but I would like to be able to use the tunnel I already have set up from my tunnel broker. If anyone has been able to successfully set up a manual tunnel using the Airport Extreme and the 7.4.1 firmware, I'd like to know how you got it to work.
Technical Details:
Firmware: 7.4.1
Hardware: Airport Extreme (802.11n) Dual Band

Manual Ipv6 Machine

Mac Pro, Mac OS X (10.5.7)

Manual Ipv6 Mac

Ipv6 Mac Address

Research did not yield a DHCPv6 solution for Mac OS X; however, a port of the WIDE/KAME DHCPv6 is theoretically possible, as the Mac OS X IPv6/network stack is based on FreeBSD’s, for which WIDE DHCPv6 is available. Mac OS X integrates the same IPv6-capable PPP daemon as Linux and Solaris — Paul’s PPP Package Homepage ppp.

Manual Ipv6 Mac Address

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