Mac Excel Manual Calculation

  1. Mac Excel Manual Calculation F9
  2. Mac Excel Manual Calculation Formula

Preferences Keep Defaulting To Manual Calculation - Excel

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I am on a Mac running OS 10.4.11. Whenever I launch Excel 2008, I have to go to Preferences and set Calculation to automatic. Then Excel calculates automatically until the next time I launch the program. Then I find it has defaulted back to manual. Any way to fix this?

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Good afternoon!
I'm working with Excel 2003 sp 3 on Windows xp.
I have been banging my head trying to jar loose the formula to calculate man days where 1 equals 8 hours. I have one that was given to me by a coworker:
That calculates man days from total hours. I need a formula that will total man days and return the man day answer. Example:
weekending 12/25 = 16.2 which is 16 man days and 2 hours
weekending 1/1 = 24.7 which is 24 man days and 7 hours
Total = 41 man days and 1 hour
I have also been asked if there was a way for a number to be entered into a spreadsheet and automatically put in order without a macro or 'pushing a button'.
Any advice is greatly appreciated!
Happy New Year!
~ Brenda ~
Happy Day to all,
Can you please help me,
A1= time in
B1= time out
C1= time in
D1= time out
I want to calculate the late and under time,
Office start at 9:am w/30 mins Grace period,
The break time is one hour only, please include over breaktime in calculation.
End of office hours 6:00 pm, strickly no over time

How To Convert Time (9:15) To Time In Quarter Hours (9.25) - Excel

I've been poking around trying to figure this out but can't. The time of 9 hours, 15 minutes is being returned from a calculation but I want the cell to display the 9.25 hours instead. This seems like something simple on the surface, but apparently it's not. Any help would be appreciated!

Go Back To Active Cell After Running Macro - Excel

Does anyone know how to automatically go back to the cell I was working on (meaning, the cell I last worked on) before I run a macro?
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I I trying to simply fill a combobox on a userform from a named range on a sheet, I want to populate the combobox as soon as the userform starts. (I launch the userform from a button on the sheet) Where must I place the code? and will this code work?
I am very new to vba, so please excuse my ignorance,
any help would be greatly appreciated
Does anyone know of a non-commercial roster template that would suit 7 day/24 hour/4 person shifts?
Currently we use a totally manual spreadsheet which looks like a Rubik's Cube and does not offer any form of automation in order to speed up entry adn ensure no doubling-up or missing shifts.
i have a worksheet with formulas in 15,000 cells; i have set the calculation to maunal so that you have to press F9 to calculate the sheet.
sometimes, it takes 45 seconds to calc the whole sheet, other times, it takes 5 minutes. how do i clear the cache, or what do i have to do so that it calcs 45 seconds each time.
i don't want the application to think, it would be better if those 15,000 cells can be returned in a fraction-of-a-second. any ideas/tips? thanks.

Calculate Total Hours Automatically Deducting Lunch Breaks - Excel

Hi all,
I have a dillemma here,
I have to create a schedule which incorporates lunches automatically (either half hour or 1-hour lunches, depending on the circumstances).
The schedule only has time in and time out, but I need excel to automatically deduct the lunch break depending on the circumstance:
If you worked less than 6 hours = no lunch
If you worked more than 6 hours, but less than or equal to 8 hours = 0.5 hour lunch
If you worked more than 8 hours = 1 hour lunch
I am assuming the formula for this will be really long, but I have looked online everywhere and have not found ONE formula for it. I can't put lunch breaks seperately, so all I have to work with is Time in/out.
Also, I wouldn't be able to use military time, so I don't know how excel can assume that time in is in the morning, and time out is in teh evening and/or half-day.
If someone can help it would be greatlyyyy appreciated
How would I create a system where an excel file is updated in real time with new values? I have a program which logs data, and I want to have excel open, plotting the data in real time. Is this possible?

How Do I Stop Today() From Updating Date On Saved Spreadsheets? - Excel

I have a template that automatically populates the date field with the
current date when opened, using today(). Users then Save As to have an
archive copy of their spreadsheet. However, when they go back to access
their saved sheet, the date changes from the created date to the current
date. How do I stop this in Excel?
I know that Word lets you do this by changing the code from {DATE} to
{CREATEDATE}, but I can't find a similar setting in Excel.
Please help and thank you!

Adding Numbers In A Single Cell As A Running Total In That Cell ? - Excel

Hello everyone, I am new to this forum and have been using excel for about 3 years. I have learned alot but still can not figure out how to make numbers add up in one box like a running total. Meaning, If I have a list and in the list is one cell for each item say like cell a1 is for a can of coke and cell a2 is for a car tire and so on,and i want to keep a running total by adding a number to cell a1 or a2 like say '3 i.e. 3 tires or cans of coke' and later that day i come back and need to add 2 more i want to be able to just click on the cell a1 or a2 and enter the number 2 and the cell would add the number in it to the number im adding to it to show a result of 5 tires or whatever. I am sorry If i am not asking the question in an understandable manor but its the best way I can think to ask anyways, any help would be appreciated, Thanks in advance.

How To Make Currency Round Up Or Down Automatically - Excel

I am needing a formula that would cause a currency amount from a calculation to round up or down to the nearest 100.00 mark. The current formula is ie: =E10*F10 (e10 being an amount of money and f10 being a percentage fo it.) I am needing the resulting answer to round up or down to the nearest 100. So if the answer is below the 50 mark it would round down and above it would round up. If that is not possible then just rounding down would be acceptable.
How do i do this??
is it possible to put two formulasinto one cell?
On the attached timesheet there are columns IN, OUT, IN,OUT
The lunch time is worked out by deducting 'C8 from C9' and this works fine when all 'IN, OUT' cells are filled in but for some reason when just the first two cells are filled in it gives a -12 hour answer.
looking at cell 'C11 ' in the attached worksheet, I currently have the formula
=IF(C13=0,','SUM(C9-C8)) The reason for this is to make it look tidy by having blank cells until a calculation is needed, My problem is, If someone just comes in for the morning one day for instance 8am to 12 noon then they won't have lunch, but C11 will show -12:00
Can I put another formula into C11 to tell it not to deduct C8 from C9 until a time is put into C9.
The following is the sort of thing (many variations) I have been trying but because I'm hopeless at formulas I'm not having any success

Issue With Excel Locking Up, Mouse Clicks Not Working, Duplicate Keypress Events - Excel

Posted this on the Ozgrid forums, but haven't gotten any help yet, so I thought I'd try here too!
I've been having a strange problem lately. I have a fairly lengthy macro that works perfectly most of the time. Occasionally it will run as expected but as soon as the macro ends, excel becomes unresponsive to mouse-clicks. When I click anywhere (trying to select a cell, or an excel menu item...clicking anywhere in excel) I'll get the a 'ding' system sound and nothing will happen. BUT, if I use the keyboard arrow keys, I can see that the active cell selection moves accordingly. Then it gets really strange - when I have a cell highlighted and press any key to input text, it gets duplicated. So if I press 's' it will input 'ss' into the cell, and then when I press enter it will auto-move to the next cell down, but nothing ends up getting saved into the previous cell.
I don't understand what's going on at all. I can't think of anything in my macro that would have these kinds of effects. I've made sure that screenupdating is turned back on at the end of every procedure. If I go into the VBE, I can manually run procedures and they all work fine. The only way I've been able to get back to normal is by force closing excel altogether and re-opening. Any ideas?
Still having trouble, and the same thing is happening with this workbook on two different computers, so I don't think it's a hardware, or OS specific issue. When it gets locked up like this, I can still do anything in the VBE (edits cells, run macros, etc.) with no problems. If I'm in the excel window, I can click alt on the keyboard and the shortcut keys for the menu come up, but I can't go deeper than that by clicking the letter shortcuts, they do nothing. If I use the delete key to delete the contents of a cell, then it gets deleted. But if I type anything else (numbers, letters, or symbols) then it types 2 instances of the key every time, yet when I hit enter, nothing changes in the cell. I also can't really bring focus to the excel window if something else (ie. the VBE) is on top of it, clicking into the excel window just gives the little system 'ding' sound and nothing happens.
If I hit the save button in the VBE (since I can't click anything in the excel window), then it seems to snap out of it and go back to normal. I tried searching for anything simmilar to this and can't find anything...
Any help would be much appreciated. This is driving me nuts!

Can I Copy A Table From Word Into One Cell In Excel Without Losing Data? (of - Excel

I would like to copy a small table from Word into one cell in an Excel
worksheet. The first column of the table is a list of numbers. I tried
converting the table into text with manual line breaks and tab stops to
divide columns and rows, but that didn't solve my problem.
Excel pastes the data into several rows. When I try to merge them, I
get a warning that the selection contains multiple data values, and
merging into one cell keeps the upper-left most data only.
What I tried that didn't work:
* Formatting the Excel cells as text before pasting the data.
* The various options for 'Paste Special.' The closest I got was
inserting the table as a Document Object, which could be a workaround,
I guess.
What I am saving for when all else fails:
* The obvious solution of copying row by row into one Excel cell.
The data in the table is information about my dad's medications. I
would like to have reference charts of how to identify the strength of
each tablet by its color and markings. I got the info from the
manufacturers' websites and entered it into tables in Word, which I
would like to copy into a more comprehensive file I am creating in
Excel. The first column of each table is the strength of the tablet,
entered as 1 mg., 2 mg., etc. The subsequent columns describe the
shape, color, and markings. There are 3 tables, each with about 4-5
Is there a way to copy each one - whether as a table or as text - into
a single Excel cell without losing data?
Many thanks.

Excel: How Do I Enter A Date In One Cell & Automatically Dates Adj - Excel

In excel, I am trying to find a formula or funtion so that when I enter a
date (1/10/05) in cell A1 for example, then B1 automatically changes to
1/11/05, C1 to 1/12/05, etc. Can anyone help? Thanks!!

Copying Charts - Automatically Change Cell References - Excel

I am copying charts to display the same information for different regions. When I work on the copied region, I find it a cumbersome task to go through each charts source data and change the cell references to the different region. Essentially I am doing a trending analysis for each region, with a region having its own sheet with 5 charts per sheet. What I have done is copy the original sheet and am updating the sheet for another regions source data by going to the source data. The source data is all in the same row/column format, but each regions source data has its own sheet. Is there a more automatic way to do this? Perhaps a way to update all 5 charts references at the same time.

Automatically Add Rows/ Values From A Linked Worksheet - Excel

I am brand new to Mr. Excel and would love some advice.
I searched the boards pretty extensively but could not find what I am looking for...I apologize if this is a duplicate.
I am using Excel 2007
How do you automatically add rows and update values for cells to a linked worksheet in which rows have been added? For example: Sheet 1, columns A & B are linked to Sheet 2, columns A & B. Sheet 2 has values in A1:A5 & B1:B5 and Sheet 1, since it is linked, has the same info. I want to add a row in between 3 & 4 on Sheet 2 and want Sheet 1 to automatically add the same row and update the value of the cell in column A & B.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
I have an Excel workbook that was created by a former coworker. It includes a macro that, among other things, displays a message box about the 2008 file. The macro runs as soon as the file is opened. I'd like to access that macro to correct the date to 2011 and see what else, if anything, it's doing for me (it doesn't appear to do much). I can find references to creating macros to hide and unhide rows/columns and I found ways to delete all macros in a workbook, but I cannot find anything about unhiding a macro without knowing its name.
Does anyone know of a way to unhide this macro?

Formula To Calculate Time Difference Crossing Midnight - Excel

In Excel I have been trying to find an easier way to calculate a time
difference where the times cross midnight. Example:
Start time: 23:50:00
End time: 00:15:00
How would you formulate an equation to determine the duration of time or
differnce between the start and end time?
I have a problem sometimes. I will click on a cell to add information.
The cell turns blue and then wherever I move, it highlights those to.
No matter where I go on the page. If I Alt-Tab and work in another
program on my computer, that excel page keeps highlighting wherever
I move even in those other programs (I know this sounds confusing).
When I return to excel thousands and thousands of cells are blue.
The biggest problem is that the highlighting won't turn off, no matter
what. I can't select anything from the tool bars, do any work on the sheet or close the program.
I can close it only with the task manager but when I open it again,
the cursor is still stuck in the highlighting mode and won't perform any
other functions.
Do you think this is a problem with my computer, the excel program? I have changed my mouse and this didn't help.
Is there some shortcut to turn off this highlight feature other than restarting
my computer. Which is the only current way I can get rid of it.
Thanks for any advice,

Automatic Date Stamp If A Cell Value Changes - Excel

I am trying to automatically capture and record the date of a cell's last change in value (date stamp). I have an item price list and if a particular cell gets updated I want to automatically record the date of change of that cell. I realize that after I change cell A1 I could tab to cell B1 and enter Ctrl+; but if I have a hundred new prices to enter I don't want to do that (plus me or the data entry person might forget).
For instance,
1 $32.17 8/17/08
2 $43.20 9/12/09
If I go in and update cell A1 to $33.98 today I would like cell B1 to read 2/16/10. But I don't want cell B2 to change.

Display Cell Text In Another Cell Automatically - Excel

I was wondering if anyone could help me out please?!?!
I need to have a cell on Sheet2 display the TEXT from a cell on Sheet1, is his possible??
Sheet1, Cell A1 contains a clients name and I would like to have Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4 etc... Display that clients name in a cell of my choosing (could be a different cell on each Sheet) automatically after entering it once on Sheet1, cell A1.
I thought this was possible but I can't seem to figure it out. I haven't done any real Excel work in quite a long time but I thought I had done this before a long time ago!! Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!! Thanks in advance...
P.S. If I use autosum to do this it just displays the number 0, obviously, since it is trying to add numbers...
I uploaded a copy of the spreadsheet, What I would like to happen is have the text from Sheet1,D4 automatically be placed in Sheet2,A1 and Sheet3, B2. Hope this helps

I Type Same Words And It Will Not Automatically Repeat The Word - Excel

For some reason - I can not type the same word and have it automatically come
up the next time when I enter it will not automatically come up. I must of
lost that option some how. Please help

How Can I Stop Outlook From Automatically Opening A New Email When I Click On An Email Address In Excel? - Excel

In my Excel spreadsheet I have a column to store the email addresses of my clients. Every time I click on the text of an email address, it automatically opens Outlook with a new message composed to that address. How do I stop this from happening? I don't even use Outlook for my email and this is really frustrating. I've tried changing the format of the column to no avail.
Thank you; your help is most appreciated.

Mac Excel Manual Calculation F9

Mac excel manual calculation downloadManualMac

Mac Excel Manual Calculation Formula

Feb 22, 2019  I'm new to Excel 2007. I'm familiar to change between Automatic and Manual calculation by Tool - Option, and on Calculation tab I can select Automatic or Manual calculation. Aug 09, 2018  If you have turned off Excel automatic calculation, i.e. Selected the Manual calculation setting, you can force Excel to recalculate by using one of the following methods. To manually recalculate all open worksheets and update all open chart sheets, go to the Formulas tab Calculation group, and click the Calculate Now button.